1, 2, 3 Playtime – Seminar on worldbuilding [art, game design, cultural heritage]

Worldbuilding is central for game design as well as for questions about cultural heritage preservation. This interconnection involves the creation, understanding, and conservation of diverse cultural narratives, traditions, and artefacts. The common thread for this seminar is the concept of worldbuilding in game design, time-based media art and cultural heritage.
Please note: The seminar is fully booked. Registration is closed. The exhibition section is freely accessible.
Watch the video documentation in the IAC media archive.
In the cross-connection between artistic investigations and research in game design, AI, human-machine collaboration and virtual reality for cultural heritage mediation we hope to stimulate artistic processes and a discussion where new, unexpected questions can arise. The seminar is aimed at artists, game designers, professionals within cultural heritage, researchers, academics, postgraduates and students but open for anyone interested in these topics.
The seminar is part of 1, 2, 3 Playtime, which is a lecture and workshop series organised by IAC and Region Skåne.
Presentations and art installations by:
Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley. I can´t play with you anymore
Jose Maria Font. Building game worlds with AI
Hillevi Cecilia Högström. A Hand in the Game – Termination
Jussi Parikka. Game Engines from Worlds to Weather: On Arts Practices and Simulations
Bella Rune. Textile Subtexts in an Augmented reality
Fredrik Trella. Virtual Reality for cultural heritage mediation and artistic practice
Lawrence Lek. Theta
Download the programme as PDF here (526 kB, PDF, new tab)
INSTALLATIONS at IAC, 09:00–18:00
In addition to the lectures, game-related artworks will be on display throughout the day.
Hillevi Cecilia Högström
A Hand in the Game – Termination (2017). Video installation
Bella Rune
All repeated patterns want to cover the Whole Wide World-utopian movements dress in overalls (2018). Digital print on fabric-by-the meter.
All repeated patterns want to cover the Whole Wide World-scarfs for pioneers and early adopters (2018). Digital print on fabric-by-the meter.
Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley
When Our Eyes Meet, 2021. A game sketch book where ideas of unfinished video games prototypes are stitched together. Here you get to explore the ocean of unfinished ideas that were drafted out and failed to be turned into viable exhibitions.
Lawrence Lek
Theta (2022, 12min). CGI video.
SEMINAR IN THE RED ROOM (Registration required)
Please note: The seminar is fully booked. Registration is closed.
9:00–10:00 Coffee / Experience artworks
10:00–10:10 Introduction
10:10–10:55 Game Engines from Worlds to Weather: On Arts Practices and Simulations. Presenter: Jussi Parikka, Aarhus University.
10:55–11:15 Artist talk: A Hand in the Game – Termination. Presenter: Hillevi Cecilia Högström
11:15–12:00 I can´t play with you anymore. Presenters: Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley
13:00–13:45 Building game worlds with AI. Presenter: José Maria Font Fernandez, Malmö University
13:45–14:30 Virtual Reality for cultural heritage mediation and artistic practices. Presenter: Fredrik Trella, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
15:00–16:00 Textile Subtexts in an Augmented reality. Presenter: Bella Rune
16:00 Discussion
Read more about the 1, 2, 3 Playtime seminar on IAC's homepage.
Om evenemanget
Inter Arts Center, 4th floor, Bergsgatan 29, Malmö
margot [dot] edstrom [at] iac [dot] lu [dot] se