Lund Innovation District is a global innovation ecosystem that brings together world-class research, entrepreneurship, and collaboration within walking distance. It is a place of innovation and creativity, with a playful spirit that fosters an innovation culture of experimentation in the spirit of potentialities.
16th of April at 16.00 –18.00 at Ekonomihögskolan, Lund, Tycho Brahes väg 1.
Panel talk moderated by Pia Kinhult about a new arising innovation agenda. Let us speculate and discuss scenarios on what it would mean for Lund Innovation District if the proposal from “Forskningsfinansierings-utredningen” came into play. What a scrapping of “Lärarundantaget” would implicate. How a new interpretation of “Stadsstödsreglerna” can rearrange the game plan.
Panellists: Anders Almgren, the City of Lund, Kristina Eneroth Lund University, and Pia Kinhult ESS – The steering Group of Lund ID.
Please register at asa [dot] grunning [at] futurebylund [dot] se (subject: , body: ) (asa[dot]grunning[at]futurebylund[dot]se)
Forskningsfinansieringsutredningen = Public commissionon financing of Swedish research funding system.